It’s the last stretch of 2021.
Somehow during these times, paces and seasons seem to come by faster. Deadlines are shorter. Work is piling up. Stress becomes more inevitable. Preparations and decisions, now more urgent. And in between all of that is the fear of the future and the question of “What will happen in 2022?”
We get that it’s tiring. We all need a little break. We all need a quick escape.
Maybe a quick trip to the beach and a change of scenery is all that you need! Here’s why:
1. Breathe in Blue Spaces
Nothing beats a moment at the beach! Come to think of it, when you badly need to destress, you immediately think of the beach. That is because exposure to blue spaces such as the beach has been shown to improve our overall health. The Global Healing Center showed the effects of different colors on people, and they say that being surrounded by blue has a quality that encourages calmness.
Not only does it help us stay calmer and stress-free, but it also helps us breathe easier. Literally! Inhaling deeply is a natural response our bodies make to the quality of the air. Apart from our chest muscles surrounding the lungs are more relaxed when we’re calm, the air itself has negative ions that help increase oxygen absorption in the lungs.
Enjoy the calmness of the ocean and the air that you breathe in La Union, and let it be your safe blue space.
2. Rest and Relieve Stress
The beach is a no-brainer for a place to rest. The sun and the waves (+ the environment) work together to relax your body and release you from stress.
Remember the feeling of sleeping by the beach? The soft sand, the cool breeze, and the calming sounds of the waves. This experience is a serotonin booster that helps you feel more at ease and peaceful.
Stay in a peaceful room with a gorgeous view and enjoy the sleep you deserve! Exposure to the sun and lowered stress levels helps control a person’s hormone making it easier for them to get a peaceful, deep sleep.

3. Exercise and Enjoy other Health Benefits
You can do so many activities on the beach! Even if you don’t get to hit the gym, the beach alone is a perfect place to stay active! You can start with a swim in the ocean, a walk or even a jog in the sand! But if you’re looking for more adventure, Kahuna also offers surfing sessions which you and your friends or family can enjoy. Of course! You shouldn’t miss out on riding the waves of San Juan, La Union. But you can also play other activities such as beach volleyball and beach football. The beach is a great place to keep moving and stay alive.
Enjoying and staying under the sun can also give you your dose of Vitamin D, which you can absorb and store in your body. But don’t forget to put on sunscreen to protect your skin! Speaking of skin, the beach also has beauty benefits! The sand helps exfoliate your feet, hands, and body and removes dead skin cells. It also helps detoxify when the sun opens up your pores and saltwater pull out toxins. Lastly, the iodine and salt in the water are antibacterial that destroys bacteria and fungi on your skin.
4. Assess, Process, and Align Your Priorities
Being surrounded by nature, getting in the water, and moving around increases mindfulness. And a cleared mind and a calm self is the best condition for you to assess, process and align your priorities. This makes it the best time for you to stay in touch with yourself and keep in mind the things that matter the most.
You can always do this by the beach or in your room. The essence of being by the beach helps you enjoy and maximize your alone time no matter where you are. Here, you can plan and make crucial decisions without feeling the hurry and noise of the world. You can silence yourself. You can pause. You can breathe.
5. Keep and Make Important Memories
It’s a given. We all have that one fun memory by the beach. Whether you’re with family or friends, it’s always a good time to enjoy these moments together. A beach is a fitting place for connecting with your inner self, with the people closest to you, and with new people and community!
Make new memories and maximize your best days by the beach here in Kahuna! Now is the perfect time to have a B.R.E.A.K. and enjoy the #KahunaLiving with the holiday rush comes in. Book a stay now cause you deserve it!